Codes and Conventions
- Split into sub genres (see below), often hybridised
- Primary target audience – male, 16-24, Mainstreamers
- 15 or 18 Certification (promises of pleasure) – debates on passive consumption
- Uses and Gratifications (active audiences) theory can apply
- Extensive use of Narrative enigmas
- Exploration of Narrative Themes
- Slow pace of Editing, builds tension. Long takes
- Three act narrative structure
- Predictable narrative content (follows format)
- Clear binary oppositions e.g. good v evil
- Use of low key lighting
- Use of CGI, FX
- High production values but many low budget horror films
- Dominant, hegemomic representation of gender: The Female Victim
- Extensive use of close up
- Incidental non-diegetic sound
- Distorted diegetic sound
- Extensive use of narrative off-screen space
- Young/teenage characters
- Use of hand-held camera: audience identification/realism
- Point of view shots
- Low angle shots
2. Change your settings so the whole blog, or as much of it as possible appears on the roll.
All blog posts to
be prefixed with
evaluation/ product
You need annotated
versions of all your products.
you need to consider
audiences formally an audience for a short film is quite niche,
consider psychographics of audiences
why did you use the format that you did? SIght and sound, empire, weekend supplements in newspapers
Cross platform
marketing- what would be the benefit of these extra ideas that you have had?
3. What
have you learned from your audience feedback?
You need a summarising comment on the end of this to explain what you
actually learnt and how it informed your understanding. Have they ‘read’ the
text in the way that you intended? Would you change your product in the light
of theircoments?
You must take a
more academic tone and discuss psychographics and audience theory in this response.
Don’t include the
HTML it must be embedded as a link
could ask your focus group more about their leisure habits so you could target
the cross platform marketing more effectively,
Feedback on construction main task/40
You need to have
an annotated version of all of your products
4. What were the limitations to using technologies?
you must embed links to the research that you have done, there is always the possibility that the examiner may not scroll all the way down and great work that you have done may be missed. Try to incorporate it into your 4 evaluation questions.
4. What were the limitations to using technologies?
you must embed links to the research that you have done, there is always the possibility that the examiner may not scroll all the way down and great work that you have done may be missed. Try to incorporate it into your 4 evaluation questions.
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